Jacobs family named Farm Family of the Year
Posted 03/12/2021

Nacogdoches , Texas – The Agriculture Committee of Nacogdoches County announces Wayne, Worth and Wyman Jacobs as Farm Family of the Year award recipients.

The family will be honored at the seventh annual Agriculture Appreciation and Awards Banquet, Monday, March 31 at The Fredonia. Social hour begins at 6 p.m. and program with dinner at 7 p.m. Dr. Archie McDonald will present the keynote speech, entitled “East Texas Gothic: History of Nacogdoches County Agriculture."

“The Jacobs brothers’ ancestors rolled into Nacogdoches County on Christmas day 1836,” Stacy Jacobs, Worth’s daughter said. “They established their farms in the Southeastern area of Nacogdoches County, then known as Jacobs Community and currently known as Woden, Texas.”

According to Stacy, Indians were still living in the vicinity and had a campsite where Jacobs Chapel is now located. The family fought the last Indian War in Nacogdoches County .

The Jacobs built their home overlooking the Puentezullas Creek and as a farming family, began to clear the land as soon as possible. They raised and grew all their food and bought the few supplies they needed in Melrose. When crops matured, they were carried to a community called Marion. The crops were shipped by barge down the Angelina and Sabine Rivers to Galveston. Later, as the city of Nacogdoches grew, the crops were carried there to be sold.

“Every generation of the Jacobs’ descendents has been involved in agriculture in one way or the other. They have farmed the land of this community for five generations and still counting,” Stacy said. “The first few generations of the Jacobs made their living by crop farming. This continued until around 1904 when the Nacogdoches Southeastern Railroad was brought to Woden. Some of the family turned to the lumber industry for their living. Today the family raises cattle, timber and poultry.”

Wayne, Worth and Wyman have been heavily involved in the cattle business all their lives. Their father Billy Jacobs was a cattle inspector for the state of Texas, which his grandson Larry carries on with a proud tradition. Worth bought partnership of Patton’s Auction Barn when he was in his late 30s. His brother Wayne evidentially bought out his partner and together they owned one of the largest meeting places for local farmers and ranchers in Nacogdoches County. Wyman was always right beside them and helping them run the sale.

The brothers always supported the local Nacogdoches County Junior Steer Show while owning the cattle sale. They are also member of Texas Farm Bureau. Worth has served as president of the Woden I.S.D. school board. His nephew Lance is now serving on the board. The three brothers’ families are very active in the Nacogdoches County area. They serve on water boards, school boards, civic boards, and various other community boards.

Stacy served on the Nacogdoches County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and continues to be active in Chamber events. “The family is made up of schoolteachers, PhD’s, cattle inspectors, bankers, poultry farmers, cattle ranchers and the director of Agriculture, Stabilization and Conservation agency,” Stacy said. “The brothers have passed down to their children their love of the land and agriculture.”

------------------------- Tickets for the Agriculture Appreciation and Awareness Banquete are $20 each and may be purchased by contacting the Chamber at 560-5533. Limited exhibit space is available at no cost. Contact Karen Tucker, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, at 560-7711 before March 25 for reserving exhibit space. The agriculture banquet is a cooperative effort of local agencies that include Nacogdoches County Farm Bureau, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, Texas Forest Service, SFA Agriculture Department, NEDCO and Nacogdoches County Chamber.

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