Cotton Patch Cafe to recognize "Hometown Heroes" in contest
Posted 09/01/2015

Story by Morgan McGrath

Local chain restauraunt, The Cotton Patch Cafe, hosts Facebook competition for all 45 cities across three states that is home to one of their restauraunts to appreciate the neighborhood "Hometown Heroes".

The Cotton Patch Cafe is looking for nominations from the community to say "thanks" to the fire and police departments, EMT's, teachers, coaches, community leaders and others who the community thinks deserves acknowlegement. Each nomination will be entered into a contest for a year of free Cotton Patch food, which will be presented as a $200 giftcard to the restauraunt. Five "Heroes" will be randomly selected from each town's nominations on Facebook.

To nominate someone for the contest, share a story or a photo about the hero to the city's individual photo album on The Cotton Patch Cafe's Facebook page between September 1 and 11. The five winners from each town will be announced on September 14.

For more information, visit The Cotton Patch Cafe's Facebook page:

Click here to nominate someone from Nacogdoches: 

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