Parents get to decide what they want for their elementary children.
Many Nacogdoches ISD elementary parents enjoy the opportunity to choose the campus their child
attends. The district allows intra-district transfers as long as certain criteria are met: adequate space on the campus, a good student attendance record, and acceptable student behavior.
Many districts across the state do not allow intra-district transfers. Nacogdoches ISD believes parents know the type of environment their child needs to be successful and we strive to help provide that environment.
January of last year campuses began sending letters home to parents with information on transfer
procedures and the relevant dates for returning transfer applications. The letter explained that transfers are granted on a yearly basis and if a parent/guardian wanted their student to continue at a current campus the parent/guardian needed to complete a 2015-2016 transfer application. Parents were also notified that if they elected not to submit a new transfer application their child could be enrolled back to their home campus.
During the first week of our new school year the district recognized that some of our students were still enrolled at campuses outside of their home attendance zones but had not completed a transfer
application for the current year. This discovery prompted the district to attempt to contact the parents of these students in order to clarify where they wanted their child enrolled.
The parents/guardians of these students are being notified this week to grant them the opportunity to complete the transfer paperwork to remain at their current campus or return to the campus in their
home attendance zone if they prefer. Parents are also being reminded that the district does not provide transportation for transfer students but doses provide transportation for students attending campuses in their attendance zone.
The last two years the district attempted to operate a bus “Hub”. The “Hub” allowed all transfer students to be transported to and from home to a designated location where they would load a different bus to their appropriate campus. This system was designed to provide transportation relief for parents of transfer students but the routes became too time consuming and many students spent several hours on.
the bus in the evenings. After evaluating the results of the “Hub”, the system was discontinued. The
district will continue to provide transportation for students in the “Magnet” programs and for students
receiving special services identified to need transportation.
We hope to have all students at the correct campus by the week of September 8. If any parent being
contacted believes there is an error in their attendance zone identification or has previously filed a
current transfer application please notify the campus your child attends and that situation will be
Thank you for choosing Nacogdoches ISD. We strive to offer the pest educational opportunity for every student.
District Contact:
Patty Miller, communications coordinator
936-‐569-‐5000, ext. 8845 (office)
936-‐208-‐2096 (Cell)