Beginning Thursday, October 1, 2015, applications will be available for the 2015Historic Restoration Grant Program. Since 1989, the City of Nacogdoches and the Historic Landmark Preservation Committee have funded more than $542,000 in grants through this program and the use of Hotel Motel Tax funds. This money has contributed to over $2.5 million of projects preserving and restoring the history and historic buildings of Nacogdoches. The applications will be available at the C. L Simon Recreation Center at 1112 North Street or by contacting us at 936-559-2960. Applications are due Friday, October 16, 2015, by 4:00 pm and can be turned in at the C.L Simon Recreation Center.
While we would love to fund every potential project, there are two factors that must be met to qualify for funding. First, a property must be included in the City’s Historic Overlay Zoning. Second, the project must be approved and given a Certificate of Appropriateness by the Historic Landmark Preservation Committee before starting the restoration work. If the work on the building has already begun, prior to approval, the project will not be considered for a Historic Restoration Grant. All applications must contain information about the project such as cost estimates, detailed descriptions of the work to be done, pictures and drawings or illustrations as necessary. Once the application is deemed complete, it is scored and given to the Historic Landmark Preservation Committee for consideration. The Nacogdoches Historic Landmark Preservation Committee then reviews the application and makes a funding recommendation to the City Council for final approval.
Once grants are approved, applicants have one year to complete the approved work. The applicant receives reimbursement from the City upon completion of the project and final review by the Historic Landmark Preservation Committee.
For more information regarding this program, please contact the City of Nacogdoches Community Services Department at 936-559-2960 or email