The Judy B. McDonald Public Library invites tweens and teens to Candy Sushi Night on Monday, September 21st at 5:30 p.m. Sushi may be an acquired taste, but this workshop will appeal to everyone.
We will use candy, frosting, rice cereal treats and other sweets to create edible works of art. “There are lots of ways to express creativity and explore the possibilities of making,” says Crystal Hicks, assistant library director.
“Food is just one medium of many that we investigate at the library.”
Participation is free and open to those aged 10 to 17.
Registration for this program is requested to ensure that there are supplies for all participants.
Please call 559-2970 to sign up. More programs for all ages are planned throughout the fall, so check out the library’s website, or follow Judy B. McDonald Public Library on Facebook.