The Nacogdoches Farmers Market will be open on Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2015 from noon-5 p.m.
Vendors include:
Diane Jones will be selling cantaloupes, cucumbers, onions
Cheryl Ivie-Harper from Maydelle Country will be selling fruit wines. Their wines are made in small batches and bottled one at a time with the attitude of "If it ain't fun, it ain't right." Their wine list consists of Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Elderberry, Blackberry, Peach, a Pear/Apricot blend (Texas Sunset), pineapple and others that will be rotated by stock. Their phone number is: 903-795-3915
The Jones family from Texadus Family Farm in Timpson will be selling baked goods, brewed coffee & tea, spice blends, herbal teas, granolas, and LOW SUGAR jellies (blackb erry, muscadine and apple). They will have their hand crafted goat's milk soap made from their own goat's milk available (They milk the goats!). Come by and smell them and ask questions. They will also have laundry soap bars and premixed laundry soap powder, lotion bars, chest rub, muscle rub, headache sticks, lip balms, diaper cream, and more. Friend Lynn on face book - Texadus Farm-Wife or LIKE our face book page (Texadus Family Farm) for CURRENT updates! Our email is - (ask to be added to OUR email newsletter for a weekly list of our produce and baked goods). Call Lynn at 936-615-3050 (leave a message).
Lori Crawford will be selling produce.
Opal Blume will be selling beeswax, local honey, creamed honey and rosemary.
Bryan Butler will be selling Grassfed Lowline Angus Beef Steak Strips, Steak Patties and Ground Beef.