Press Release from the Texas Department of Transportation
Posted 08/08/2016


Description: Texas Department of Transportation (R)





Rhonda Oaks

(936) 633-4395






Project updates for week of 08-08-16

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August 5, 2016

LUFKIN – The BU 59/A&NR Railroad Bridge in Lufkin will move closer to completion this week as contractors begin to pave additional northbound lanes toward SL 287 and the BU 59 overpass.

Austin Bridge and Road Services, contractor for the $11.4 million construction project, has worked to reconstruct Business 59 and construct a new railroad bridge. This week, additional concrete pavement will be set and work will continue to complete the flumes on each side of the underpass walls that will aid in drainage.

Motorists are advised to reduce their speed through the area and obey the four-way flashing stop lights near the construction site on BU 59 that crosses over SL 287. The project is expected to be completed in early 2017.

Other construction projects and updates for the coming week in the nine-county Lufkin District include:


US 59: Crews will begin work to resurface existing pavement between SL 287 in Lufkin and Redland.

BU 69: Work will continue on Kurth Drive to upgrade bridge railing and metal beam guardrails. Crews will begin work in the northbound lanes.

US 69 South: Crews will continue removing and replacing driveway culvert and installing safety end treatments from SL 287 to just north of Huntington.

FM 3439 (Spence Street): Work continues on adjoining driveways and setting mailbox locations.

FM 3373: Maintenance crews will be working to level up the pavement surface in various locations.

Various locations: Crews will patch potholes, apply herbicide, and clean ditches for drainage repair.


US 59: Work continues from SL 224 to 1.3 miles south of the loop and from US 59 to SH 7 West on SL 224. Sidewalks and driveways are being constructed along with repairs and replacements of curb and gutter. Subcontractors are working on cross drainage structures and widening north and south of Spradley Street. Crews will continue to work to construct center medians.

US 59/SL 224: Crews will conduct mill and inlay rehabilitation throughout the week at various locations.

FM 95: The bridge deck has been placed at Dog Creek and work continues on the bridge rail, dirt work and hot mix application. The bridge should be open to traffic by mid-August, weather permitting.


US 190: Crews will work on embankment in the areas where passing lanes are being added from Onalaska to FM 2457.

US 59: Crews will continue to rehabilitate and resurface existing pavement in the southbound lanes from just south of Milton Creek to the BU 59 overpass.

US 190: Crews will continue to safety treat fixed objects and upgrade cross drainage structures from US 59 to just west of FM 1276.

FM 1988: Crews are continuing to work to replace Long King Creek Bridge and will continue to construct  approaches, weather permitting.

Livingston State Park: Work continues to rehabilitate roads, campsite pullouts and parking lots at Piney Shores, Yaupon and Red Oak camping loops.

Hooks Road: Crews will continue to work to replace approaches for a bridge replacement over a tributary of Bear Creek.

Howell Road: Grading the approaches and construction of the new bridge continues at Paus Creek.

Jack Pate Road: Work is scheduled to begin on drill shafts to replace the bridge and approaches.

Upper Leggett Road: Crews have cleared the right of way and placed silt fence in preparation to replace the bridge and approaches at a tributary of Big Sandy Creek.


US 59/FM 2914 Overpass:  Forms and steel will be set for paving that should begin by the end of the week, weather permitting.

US 59: Crews will continue to place embankment on the southbound frontage road just south of the Union Pacific Railroad crossing in Shepherd to north of FM 2914.

US 59: Work will continue to upgrade metal beam guard railing from just south of FM 2914 to the Liberty County line.


US 84: Work continues on the Sabine River Bridge at the Texas/Louisiana state line. Paving is being set along with caps, columns and drill shafts for the new westbound bridge. Driveway pipe and subgrade preparation continues for additional cement treatment. Debris from the remaining pilings is being removed by barge.

SH 7: Emergency slope repairs from  2.3 miles west of FM 711 to 1.5 miles west of FM 711 and 3.2 miles west of FM 711 to 2.6 miles west of FM 711. Crews will continue to build soil nail wall at both locations and work on minor excavation.

SH 7: Driveway culverts are being installed from 4.4 miles east of FM 2913 to US 96.

FM 415: Crews are scheduled to begin work to replace the bridge at Bear Bayou. Right-of-way preparation continues as detour structures are set.


US 287/Groveton: Old pavement has been removed and asphalt base is being placed on the west end of Groveton.

SH 19: Crews will repair road base inside the city limits of Trinity.

FM 1617: Work will be done to level up road base inside the city of Trinity.

Various locations: Maintenance crews will work to patch potholes and repair signs.


US 96: Crews will work to safety treat fixed objects from FM 83 to the Jasper County line.

US 96: Traffic continues to be detoured as workers extend cross drainage structures and work to rehabilitate the roadway from the Shelby County line to FM 3451.

US 96: The bridge deck has been completed at Ayish Bayou and approach work to the bridge is underway. Subgrade treatment is continuing.

SH 21: Crews will work to safety treat fixed objects from SH 147 to FM 1.

FM 1175: Crews will work to safety treat fixed objects from the end of pavement to FM 83.

FM 705: Crews will work to safety treat fixed objects from SH 147 to the end of pavement.

FM 1277: Crews will work to road repair base and edging in various locations.


SH 7: Traffic is confined to one lane with a pilot car during work hours as crews work to reconstruct the roadway to add passing lanes and shoulders from east of FM 322 to Kennard.

SH 21/Crockett: Crews will place cement and begin adding flex base to main lanes. Work on driveways and safety treatment of culverts is continuing from 2.3 miles east of FM 2967 to SH 7. In Austonio, motorists should expect delays as crews continue cement treating main lanes.

US 287/FM 132: Traffic will be confined to a single lane as crews continue to safety treat culverts and work to enhance driveways from 2.1 miles north of FM 2663 to just south of SL 304. Work to remove and replace driveway culverts on FM 132 will also continue.

SH 7: Crews will continue to mill and remove road surface in order to place base material and cement treat main lanes in various locations.

FM 3151: Crews will remove and replace driveway culverts and safety treat culvert ends.

CR 3615 (Sims Road): Work will continue on bridge replacement. Crews are completing abutments and placing concrete.

US 287 North/SL 304: Crews will work on pavement base and seal cracks at the intersection.

SL 304: Work is scheduled to level up pavement and seal cracks from US 287 North to SH 7 West.

FM 2110: Crews will work to level up base and seal cracks at various locations.


FM 1: Work is continuing from SH 184 to SS 1 to mix existing base and prime coating.

For more information, contact or (936) 633-4395.


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