NACOGDOCHES- TxDOT will be changing their signal light at Main Street and Mound Street to flashing red for the next few weeks.
At the request of the City, TxDOT has recently performed an updated Warrant Study for the existing traffic signal located at this intersection. The study indicated that this signal no longer meets warrants and could be removed.
We have asked TxDOT to set the signal controller to "Red Flash" for all directions, for several weeks to see how the intersection would operate if the signal was removed and became only a 4-way stop. If stop signs appear to be a feasible alternative, Engineering staff will bring a proposal to the City Council to petition TxDOT to remove the traffic light.
The removal of the signal would reduce maintenance costs for TxDOT and should help slow speeds of vehicles entering the downtown area where a lot of pedestrians frequently cross the streets. Recent traffic studies found speeds as high as 45 mph near the square.
City Engineering staff will continue to monitor for the duration of this exercise.