By Adam Russell
A continuing education course for integrated pest management professionals will be held in Nacogdoches on Nov. 9.
Registration begins inside the Nacogdoches Expo Center, 3805 NW Stallings Drive at 8 a.m. The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service course begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 3:40 p.m.
The cost of the program is $30 for preregistered attendees and $35 on the day of the event. RSVP with payment by Nov. 4 to preregister. Mail registration to Nacogdoches County Extension Office, 203 W. Main St, Nacogdoches TX. 75961.
Five IPM units will be available including one integrated pest management, one drift minimization, one laws and regulations and two general.
A barbecue lunch will be provided.
Speakers and topics to be discussed include:
- John Roach, Dow Agro Sciences representative, Centerville, Weed ID and Herbacide Recommendations.
- Dr. Barron Rector, AgriLife Extension range specialist, College Station, Herbicide Application, Equipment and Calibrations.
- Dr. Mark Matocha, AgriLife Extension specialist, College Station, Minimizing Drift or Practices to Control Drift and Pesticide Laws and Regulations Update.
- Dr. Jason Cleere, AgriLife Extension beef cattle specialist, College Station, Beef Cattle Internal and External Parasite Control.