Splash Kingdom is proud to serve Texas and Louisiana-area families with exciting and safe waterpark fun. We are also very thankful for the brave and honorable men and women in “blue” that work hard to keep our neighborhoods safe. With many friends and even a few family members protecting and serving our cities every day and night, we at Splash Kingdom would like to make sure that they have a fun and safe place to spend their time off this summer with their families. With that in mind, Splash Kingdom will make November 28th- December 3rd “Splash the Blue” week at our 5 Texas and Louisiana locations. We are inviting ALL of our area City, State and National law enforcement officers to come by any of our locations from 9am – 5pm, Monday November 28th – Saturday December 3rd, show us your badge, and we will make you a free 2017 season pass photo ID, good at any of our family waterpark locations. This is our way of saying thank you for all you do for our communities, each and every day.
We know that Christmas is a time of giving, and we have many law enforcement officers at our parks that have been enjoying family time at our waterparks for 11 years now. In order to make it easier to see more police officers’ families spend time together this summer, we will also offer individual season pass gift cards for their family at $25.00 off the regular price. Family members picture ID’s will not be made at this time. This discount will only be available to law enforcement officers, and only at the waterpark location, during “Splash the Blue” week.
Thank you again, for all you do to keep our families safe. We appreciate your sacrifice and look forward to serving you and your family this summer. We are praying for you as you continue to put the needs of others before yourself. For more information or details, please call your local Splash Kingdom Family Waterpark office in Canton, TX – Shreveport, LA – Hudson Oaks, TX – Nacogdoches, TX or Greenville, TX, or e-mail us at info@
Details –
All City, State or National law enforcement officers are eligible for this event.
Must come to the waterpark location to have your personal, law enforcement officer season pass photo ID made during the specified time frame (no on-line or phone calls )
Free season pass is valid for all 5 Splash Kingdom Waterpark locations 2017 season only.
Free season pass is for police officer only, not transferrable
No purchase necessary
Time and date of the event will be strictly adhered to. This promotion will end December 3, 2016 at 5:00pm