The nationally accredited Texas Certified Public Manager Program at SFA provides an outstanding career development opportunity for SFA employees. The opportunity allows employees to receive on-campus training, network, exchange ideas and learn about best practices in public management. Participants receive instruction from a variety of successful public managers, professional trainers and SFA professors.
Managing for Quality (Track 2) will be from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 6, in the Human Services Building on campus and also will meet Feb. 3 and March 3. The CPM Program at SFA offers employees and students a 20-percent discount for this track. The discounted cost is $476 per person, which includes textbooks, class materials, break supplies and lunch.
For more information, click here, view the program’s Facebook page, or contact Dr. Rick Herzog, Texas CPM program director, at (936) 468-2446 or