Message from Pamela Temple, Troop 1850 Leader, Pine Village Community:
My Girl Scout troop is facing a challenge! We have ordered too many cookies!
Our troop, Troop 1850, is a very active troop and depends on the money made from cookie sales to fund our activities and help relieve some of the financial burden put on our parents and caregivers. Our troop consists of about 40 girls in grades first through ninth attending various schools in Nacogdoches. They have been working very hard the last couple of months selling cookies; a handful of them already having sold over 1,000 packages each and two having sold over 2,000 packages.
As of this moment, we still owe Council roughly $28,000, equaling about 7,000 packages of cookies, which will make us break even. What this means is that our girls who having been working so hard selling cookies will have nothing to show for all of their hard work. Cookie sales officially end on Sunday, March 26. Our girls will be selling cookies all over town this weekend, including at both Walmart locations, Lowe’s, and the Rodeo.
Now to the part where you can help. If you want cookies or know anyone who might, please help us spread the word that this is the last weekend to buy Girl Scout cookies until next year. If you cannot eat cookies or don’t want to, you can donate monetarily by contacting me directly. We will donate all of the cookies bought with donated funds to the local food banks and other non-profits.
Pamela Temple, Troop 1850 Leader, Pine Village Community - 281-546-8233