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The Nacogdoches County Chamber of Commerce completed a two-month campaign that brought in 32 new memberships and sold 186 sponsorships for Chamber activities and projects coming in 2018. The Total Resource Campaign (TRC) 2017 ended on Oct. 26 with a Victory Celebration hosted by FROGS Sports Bar & Grill.
Congratulations to the campaign's top team Jamison's Super Jacks. Pictured from left aare team members Joanna Temple, Nacogdoches Convention & Visitors Bureau; Ralph Ervin, Etech; Team Owner Sue Jamison, Omni Cyber Computers; Campaign Chairman Gary Stokes, Sekots, LLC; and team General Manager Claire Robbins, Manpower Group.
Approximately 20 chamber volunteers were involved and worked throughout the County to bring in $163,125 to support the programs and mission of the Nacogdoches County Chamber.