The Nacogdoches County Chamber of Commerce recently participated in a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Burke mental health clinic at 3824 N. University Dr. in Nacogdoches. Project completion of the $4.5 million, 32,000 square foot building is expected in January 2019.
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Pictured from left are Sandy Cox, Cox Construction; Hudson Henderson, Goodwin-Lasiter-Strong; Burke board member Randy George; ETBR Board Chairman Hall Henderson; State Representative Travis Clardy; Burke CEO Susan Rushing; Burke Board of Directors Chairman Col. Hoard Daniel, Jr.; Burke board members Sandra Wright, Jim McReynolds, John Howard, and David Cozadd; Jimmy Mize, Southside Bank; Burke board member Willia Wooten and Burke service director Megan Cole; Burke CFO Melanie Taylor; and Burke COO Jake Squiers.