Keep Nacogdoches Beautiful, with the East Texas Jeep Club, launched the 2018 Litter Index for Nacogdoches on Feb. 20.
A litter index is a tool designed by Keep America Beautiful to visually assess the overall appearance of communities through indicators along roadways, such as litter and illegal dumping. The Nacogdoches County Litter Index is assessed by evaluating different areas in our community, including four long routes throughout the county and ten short routes within the city of Nacogdoches.
The Keep America Beautiful Litter Index is a step-by-step method of assessing current litter conditions which is used in thousands of communities and by municipalities nationwide. The annual results are also used to develop a local plan to change attitudes and behaviors regarding litter and related issues.
For more information about Keep Nacogdoches Beautiful and the Litter Index, please visit