What’s New with LinkedIn
LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking site, with over 530 million members. Dive into some of the biggest tools you may have missed from this platform.
Salary Insights on Jobs
In 2016, LinkedIn introduced Salary -- a tool that allows users to see a detailed breakdown of salaries by job title and location based on information privately submitted by LinkedIn members. Since then, they’ve identified ways to make this experience even more valuable. You can explore compensation details next to open roles, showing an estimated or expected salary range for the role.
The salary information shared on job listings comes from one of two places:
1. Employer Provided: Employers can provide salary ranges for specific jobs, meaning you will know exactly what kind of compensation to expect before you apply for the job.
2. Estimated Salary: If an employer does not provide a salary for a role, we show you an estimated range from member-submitted data.
You can now delete your salary information privately in your settings as your career evolves, which will always remain confidential to you and never shared on an individual level.
Are You a Good Match for Your Dream Job?
With its newly unveiled feature, “How You Match”, LinkedIn analyzes if you’re a good fit for a position. Utilizing your education level, skills, years of experience, and current job title, you can see where you align, and where you may fall short. No matter the job function (e.g engineering jobs, marketing jobs), LinkedIn provides you with real-time results.
Get Advice from Professionals
Mentorship is key to developing and sustaining a satisfying career and improving your professional life. That’s why LinkedIn launched Career Advice, a new feature connecting members across the LinkedIn network with one another for mentorship opportunities. Just go to the dashboard on your LinkedIn Profile and find the Career Advice hub.
Explore All of Your Possibilities
A big challenge facing job seekers is knowing what types of jobs to search for — or even which ones exist. Enter LinkedIn’s new career exploration pages. Browse different careers within job functions (e.g. accounting jobs or education jobs), and from there research top cities, companies and see what opportunities are available.
Find and Forge Connections
LinkedIn now allows users to connect with people they meet during events, meetings and conferences. The Find Nearby Feature allows LinkedIn to scan nearby devices using Bluetooth for their approximate location. This lets you start the conversation digitally and encourage you to walk up to someone nearby and introduce yourself. To find this option, use your phone, click on ‘My Network’ and then ‘Find Nearby’.