The Nacogdoches Public Library offers entertainment for the whole familythroughout Spring Break.
All events are free, but registration is required for some programs asnoted.
Monday through Friday (3/18-3/22) at 3:30pm - Get Crafty Family Time
Monday (3/18) at 5:30pm - Makerspace and STEAM for Kids (Please register.)
Tuesday (3/19) at noon - Spanish/English Conversation
Wednesday (3/20) at 10:00am - Story Time
Thursday (3/21) at 5:30pm - Kids Cook: Healthy Snacks (Please register.)
Friday (3/22) at 4:00pm - Story Hike at Banita Creek Park (Please register.)
Friday (3/22) at 5:30pm - Library After Hours: Nerf Battle (Please register.)
Participants may register at Eventbrite or at
Follow thelibrary on Facebook (as Nacogdoches Public Library) and Twitter & Instagram (as@friendsofnacpl).