As Governor Abbott implements Phase 1 of his plan to open Texas, the City of Nacogdoches facilities will also phase the reopening guidelines. Although many city facilities have continued to provide services, some physical locations have been closed to the public. The initial decision to close the City’s facilities to the public was consistent with the practices and recommendations of healthcare professionals and community partner organizations.
● The next City Council meeting will be held as a digital meeting at 5:30 pm on May 16.
Public comment will be available via google hangout as previously conducted in past weeks. This format for meetings will remain in place for not only city council but also Planning and Zoning and any other Boards and Commissions.
● The City of Nacogdoches Landfill will reopen on Monday, May 4.
● The City of Nacogdoches Municipal Court will continue to be closed to the public until further notice. Citizens seeking to resolve their citation(s) can do so in the following ways: (1) online at, (2) by phone at 800-444-1187, or (3) by mailing a money order to P.O. Box 635030, Nacogdoches, Texas 75963. Any questions can be answered by calling the court at (936) 559-2641 or via email at
● The Water Billing Department will begin accepting walk-in payments Monday, May 4. The drive-through kiosk at City Hall and online platforms are available and encouraged.
● The Nacogdoches Animal Shelter and Adoption Center will be open starting Monday, May 4 at 2:00 pm . The shelter will be closed to the public during the morning hours to thoroughly clean the facility. Individuals seeking to visit the shelter should know (1) temporary operating hours will be Monday-Friday from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm, (2) visitors will be limited inside the facility and required to check in outside of the shelter, (3) wait
by your vehicle if the shelter is at maximum capacity. Staff will begin accepting surrenders by appointment only on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
● The A. L. Mangham Jr. Regional Airport remains open to facilitate local aviation, and there are currently no restrictions on commercial flights. For more information, please call airport staff at 936-560-9567.
● The Nacogdoches Economic Development Corporation (NEDCO) continues to monitor and educate business owners regarding the small business administration resource programs for information and possible aid for businesses affected by the coronavirus and will release information as soon as it is available. NEDCO staff remain available to answer any questions at 936-559-1255.
● The Judy B. McDonald Public Library is still closed to the public , however staff will accept returned books through the outside drop box. Due dates on library materials have been extended and no overdue fines will be assessed at this time. You may keep your items until the library opens back up or return them to the outside book drop.
● Public facilities such as parks, pavilions, playgrounds, and cemeteries are remaining open as long as the public continues to follow all recommended safety protocols when utilizingpublic spaces.
● The fishing pier at Lake Nacogdoches is closed until further notice , due to its small size and the inability to follow social distancing guidelines.
● Historic Sites including Sterne Hoya, Durst Taylor, and the Railroad Depot museums will remain closed in order to ensure a safe and sanitary environment for guests and to develop cleaning and operating procedures for the buildings. The CL Simon Recreation Center will remain closed per Governor Abbott's orders regarding keeping gyms closed until future phases.
● Splashadoches , Nacogdoches new Splash Pad, was scheduled to be opened Saturday, May 23 but due to COVID-19 this open date has been postponed. Current CDC guidelines recommend against the use of water playgrounds and water parks. City officials are hopeful the new splash pad and Temple Spray Station will be able to open this summer. Updates will continue to be sent as they become available.
The City of Nacogdoches staff will continue to work and provide information in order to implement timely action plans as this situation evolves. Utilize local media, the city website ( and our social media sites to receive updates regarding COVID-19 and city services.