LUFKIN, TEXAS: The Angelina Arts Alliance, the City of Lufkin and Visit Lufkin are proud to host the Texas Music Office in Lufkin on Monday, May 9, at 5:30pm, for a public workshop on Texas Music Friendly Community Program. The public workshop will be held at the Pitser Garrison Convention Center, Neches Room, 601 N 2nd Street, Lufkin.
Chip Adams, Community Relations & Outreach Specialist, with the Texas Music Office will be in Lufkin to conduct a workshop specifically on the Texas Music Friendly Community program. The Music Friendly Community program seeks to foster music business-related economic development in Texas cities and communities, and requires a commitment between local musicians, venue owners, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and municipal leadership. There are currently over 30 other Texas cities that have earned the Texas Music Friendly designation.
A Texas Music Friendly Task Force was formed last summer as an outgrowth of the Cultural District Planning initiative. The Task Force, which is comprised of local musicians, venue owners, city, and Angelina Arts representatives, assessed the Music Friendly program and Lufkin’s readiness to apply and achieve the designation. The Task Force made the recommendation to apply for the designation and made recommendations concerning the accessibility and functionality of the existing outdoor music spaces in Lufkin.
For nearly 30 years the Texas Music Office has served the Texas music industry. Its mission to create opportunity and connect businesses continues today. Its core functions are to serve as a clearinghouse for Texas music industry information via the TMO's Texas Music Industry Directory (a business referral network comprised of 15,000-plus Texas music businesses), serve as a liaison between music businesses and government offices and agencies, publicize significant developments within the industry, and to attract essential music industry to foster the economic development of Texas music businesses and musicians.
“We are thrilled to co-host Chip Adams and the Texas Music Office for a Music Friendly Communities workshop! We are also proud to support the cultural growth of our community by supporting local musicians, their businesses and how together, these businesses serve to increase tourism and promote economic development. We have long known that show business is good business and good for business. And, we’re excited to take the next steps to achieve this important State designation that benefits everyone in our community,” said Jennifer Allen, Executive Director of the Angelina Arts Alliance.
“Visit Lufkin (Lufkin Convention & Visitors Bureau) believes in a “creative economy.” Supporting a local music scene provides so much more than entertainment. It gives the residents of Lufkin | Angelina County the opportunity to be a part of something much larger than themselves. Music engages the senses, ignites creativity and imagination, and spurs meaningful interactions. The City of Lufkin is ecstatic to co-host Chip Adams and the Texas Music Office for a Music Friendly Communities workshop. This designation is of vital importance to the economic development of our city, generating tourism revenue, creating jobs and developing the community. We are eager to begin the State Music Friendly designation and develop a vital music economy for the City of Lufkin,” said Tara Hendrix, Director of Tourism & Marketing for the City of Lufkin.
The Angelina Arts Alliance is a 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to enrich, entertain and educate by presenting and promoting the arts in East Texas.
Contact: Jennifer Allen, Executive Director Tara Hendrix, Director of Tourism & Marketing Angelina Arts Alliance City of Lufkin 936-699-5210 936-633-0349