Education Program Upgrades
Posted 10/07/2022

NOBLE Scholars, a program aimed at Nacogdoches County high school students that provides access to scholarships for those choosing to attend Stephen F. Austin State University, will receive its own special day - Saturday, Oct. 8.

NOBLE Scholar Day @ SFA provides sophomores with a glimpse of the pathways available for students to discover and achieve career goals. While seeing what SFA has to offer, students can also learn requirements to become NOBLE Scholars.

And early next year, Gateway to Your Future will greatly expand on LOT Crew, an established chamber foundation project that annually involves roughly 35 eighth-graders from the county in an initiative that targets developing leadership skills in students on their way to high school.

Gateway to Your Future instead will involve all county eighth-graders, nearly 800 students in all, in a day-long event at SFA providing introduction to career opportunities for middle school students preparing to make the jump to high school the following year.

The overarching mission of the chamber’s Education Committee is to link education, economic development and community to ideas of leadership, academic growth, and workforce readiness in an effort to enhance quality of life in Nacogdoches County.



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