Capital Needs Advisory Committee Appointed
Posted 12/19/2022

The Nacogdoches City Council appointed 21 members to the newly formed Capital Needs Advisory Committee. 

 In November and December of 2021, City Council received reports from City

department heads concerning a variety of Capital Improvement needs - these needs ranged from replacement of sewer lines and fire stations to new playgrounds, new public restrooms and street repairs.  Almost $200,000,000 worth of projects were presented and prioritized into tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3 projects with tier 1 projects being of highest priority. 

    The City Council expressed interest in having citizens participate in  the capital needs assessment process.  In order to have citizen participation, the City Council has appointed an ad-hoc Capital Needs Advisory Committee to evaluate the desirability and necessity of the Capital Improvement needs, determine how to fund the projects and then provide this input to City Council. 

    Nacogdoches City Council conducted committee interviews on December 14th and 15th and appointed 20 community members and City Council Member Roy Boldon to this committee as well as designating a Chairman and Vice Chairman.

The Committee will work with City staff and consultants to study a broad category of

capital needs and their project costs previously identified and determine if additional needs or projects should be further developed. The Committee has the authority to recommend a slate of capital projects to the City Council for an election to authorize issuance of bonds and other

debt instruments to fund the needs or projects. They also have the authority to recommend no bond election, the size and scope of a bond election and other recommendations regarding Capital Needs. 

    The Capital Needs Advisory Meeting will establish time and date for committee meetings which will be posted on the City of Nacogdoches website in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. 

    The full resolution and list of Capital Needs Advisory Committee members can be found on the City of Nacogdoches website at

Capital Needs Advisory Committee Members

Judy B. McDonald – Chair

John Calahan – Vice Chair

Margaret Forbes

James Standley

Erika Tolar

Kenneth Deppisch

John C. Mast

Philip Blackburn

Wilma Cordova

John F. Anderson

Theresa Moehring

Brandi Cartwright

Lily Phou

Ed Langley

Roger McKnight

Carlos Paloma

Barbara Gandy

Olivia Kiritsy

Ron Collins

Matthew Moore

City Council Member Roy Boldon

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