
Nacogdoches offers community, neighborhood, rental and country living opportunities. The Nacogdoches housing market has much to offer to those looking to retire in the area. Local builders are working to meet the needs of senior adults by creating subdivisions and apartment communities that cater to the specific needs of this age group. A wide variety of housing choices are currently available, including patio homes, duplexes, condominiums, apartments, and assisted care facilities.

Austin Hills is a new subdivision just for seniors. Begin with a beautiful home on a small, easily cared for lot in a park-like setting where scenic views and green common areas abound. Landscaped walking paths and other ways to enjoy the outdoors are in the design phase. Austin Hills has a Home Owners' Association and lawn care and maintenance is included in the Association dues. As your needs change, Austin Hills will be ready. A long-term care facility is being planned adjacent to the neighborhood. By offering this facility, the family and community structure can stay intact as residents age. www.austinhills.com

Broadmoor is a gated community that showcases European architecture and old world craftsmanship. Here, luxury villas take on the stately beauty and elegance of a large estate while offering residents the convenience of much lower maintenance. The Broadmoor is conveniently located off Appleby Sand Road just north of loop 224, minutes from Nacogdoches Medical Center and some of the best shopping and dining. The Broadmoor offers a tranquil, quiet community to enjoy with family and friends. www.nacogdochesrealestate.com

For specific real estate professionals and services, please refer to the MEMBERSHIP listings.

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These premier Chamber publications are widely distributed throughout Nacogdoches County and beyond!
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